Sunday, December 23, 2007

Confirmation Retreats

Impact Retreat Ministry invites you to participate in one of our Confirmation Retreat Offerings for the 2009-2010 school year. This retreat is designed for high school age youth who are preparing for confirmation. It serves to supplement the parish confirmation program and the content is designed to meet a variety of needs. Participants will learn more about the sacrament of Confirmation and its relationship to our call to discipleship. We will explore:
· Confirmation: How does it make a difference in my life?
· Encountering Christ: How do I encounter Jesus in my life?
· The Christian Life: Making decisions with the Eternal life in view.


1: December 4-6 at Camp Don Bosco (early registration November 15)
2: January 15-17 at Camp Don Bosco (early registration December 15)
3: February 5-7 at Camp Don Bosco (early registration January 5)
4: February 19-21 at Camp Don Bosco (early registration January 19, limited to 80 people)
5: March 12-14 at Camp Hamilton (early registration February 12)
6: March 26-28 at Camp Hamilton (early registration February 26)
7: April 16-18 at Camp Hamilton (early registration March 16)
8: April 30-May 2 at Camp Hamilton (early registration March 30)

Download Registration Forms

Catholic School Retreats

The Archdiocese of Seattle through the Office for Youth and Young Adult Ministry continues to offer retreats specifically for Catholic Middle Schools.
Schools can choose from a variety of retreats designed to build community, enhance spirituality and assist with transitions, all within a Catholic faith perspective. For more information about scheduling retreats for your school, contact: or phone: 206-274-3175 or 800-950-4952.

Retreat Offerings 2009-2010 School Year


Turn to me:
This advent retreat offers participants an opportunity to see what God is inviting them to. Using the example of Mary’s “yes” to the angel Gabriel, participants will explore what they’re saying yes to and what it means to turn to God.Scripture Focus: Luke 1:26-39 (the Annunciation)
Fasting and Feasting: Making the Most of your Lent
Feasting in Lent? Is that possible? Participants will learn about Lent and how fasting can lead to feasting!
Scripture Focus:Luke 4:1-13 (temptation of Jesus in the desert)

God Talk: The Secret of Prayer
Like the apostles, we need help conversing with God and listening to what God says to us. In this prayer retreat, participants will learn the secret to prayer and practice putting it to use!Scripture Focus: Luke 11: 1-4 (“Jesus, teach us to pray”)

Next Step: Journey to High School
Moving from 8th grade to graduation is a cause for celebration. But what lies ahead? This retreat assists participants in reflecting on the past experiences and looking forward to the future.
Scripture Focus: Luke 6:43-45 (a tree and its fruit)

W2MS : Welcome to Middle School
In this retreat, participants talk about the change from elementary school to middle school and learn strategies for fitting in, being successful, and having fun!
Scripture Focus: 1 Corinthians 12:12-20 (one body with many parts)

Friendship Factor
Participants will celebrate, reflect, and review their friendships with others and see how building Christian community makes strong friendships.
Scripture Focus: John 17 (Jesus prays for his disciples)

A Just World
This retreat offers participants an opportunity to understand more fully the tenants of Catholic Social Teaching and the concept of justice as well as explore concrete ways to work for justice in our world today.
Scripture Focus: Matthew 25: 31-46 (“whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.”)

Building a Welcoming Community
Follow the ministry of Christ as he welcomes all people in community with one another. This retreat guides participants through what it means to be a member of a community and ways to build a welcoming community in school, while building trust, community and a team spirit among the participants..
Scripture Focus: John 4: 4-42 (the woman at the well)

Other topics and retreats available by request

Download the Complete Brochure