Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Young Adult Retreats

We are excited to announce that planning is in the works for two Young Adult Retreats coming up. First, the Young Adult Lenten Retreat will allow participants to begin the Lenten season focused on prayer and growing in their relationship with Christ. Led by Father Dolejsi, the retreat will include presentations, time for individual reflection, conversation, prayer, and more. It will take place at Camp Hamilton, in Monroe. The cost of the retreat is $60.00, which includes two nights of lodging and meals. Scholarships are available. The retreat will take place February 26th-28th, 2010. Contact oyyamretreats@seattlearch.org to sign up now!

Secondly, another retreat for young adults is in the works for the spring, time and place TBD. The retreat, Fueling the Fire, will focus on bringing new life to participant’s relationship with Christ and the way they live out their faith. More information to come! Stay tuned!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Ascend Planning Team meeting - Nov 16

The first planning team meeting for Ascend will be November 16. We will be planning both Ascend and Ascend HD during these meetings. Please email Bridget for more information about possible roles, commitment or to get the time of this initial meeting. If you are interested in helping plan these two leadership camps or would like more information about the planning team, email Bridget at bridget.harris@seattlearch.org.

Ascend 2010: July 6-10: Camp Hamilton
Ascend HD 2010: June 22-26: Camp Gallagher

Staff applications will be available at the planning meeting.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Ascend Planning Team

The Ascend directors are currently putting together the planning team for Ascend and Ascend HD. The first planning team meeting will be a week or so after convention. If you are interested in helping plan these two leadership camps, email Bridget at bridget.harris@seattlearch.org to request more information about the planning team or staffing Ascend.

Staff applications will be available later this week so check back for a downloadable version.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Summer Leadership Camp Dates Set

The dates have now been set for the leadership camps of 2010. This year OYYAM is excited to offer several new opportunities in addition to our traditional camps.

Check back regularly for updates about leadership experiances, and registration forms as they become available.

Go to the Leadership Development Page for more information.